Toxiphobia, Toxophobia or Toxicophobia Fear of poison or being accidently poisoned. Hierophobia Fear of priests or sacred things. I have suffered from this condition since age nine. To overcome you fear, see a health professional who understands these complexities. As for the sneezing and burping, I would first ask, is it really fear or is it disgust or annoyance, because the latter would not be a phobia. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). 'Anyone who knows me knows that I have really bad trypophobia". Obesophobia Fear of gaining weight. Id like to confirm that its not the ocean that scares me its when I cant see in it that scares me. For example, if I see a mother pushing her shopping cart and her little toddler/child is standing in the cart or leaning out while mom turned her back & is comparing apples, I need to turn away because I am starting to imagine the kid falling head first to the floor. I combined all the words. I have a fear of people doing my makeup, cutting/styling my hair, doing my nails, massages, dentists, eye doctors. Seek help. Scopophobia or Scoptophobia Fear of being seen or stared at. This article lists more than 100 of the most common phobias. I have a fear of seeming narcissistic and arrogant, so I dont like it when people complement me and I get super shy and tell them to stop . Scarlett Johansson is also terrified of cockroaches and birds. What is the fear of everything being fake? Autophobia Fear of being alone or of oneself. 1. Hippopotomonstroses-quippedaliophobia: What Is It? - Healthline Most therapists dont get hung up on labeling clients, I have a fear of the sound it makes when you cut skin and I can not find the name for it anywhere, Not sure you will find a name for this. Front Psychol. My daughter is absolutely, 100%,terrified of slides at playgrounds and parks. Blennophobia Fear of slime. I think you will find you have some self esteem issues that need to be addressed. Failure? Hagiophobia Fear of saints or holy things. Do you feel you can bring value to another persons life? You can create your own name by taking the Greek or Latin word for what you are seeking and placing phobia behind it. This is something you will want to work on, since it will effect your entire life. Also, is there a fear of other people getting mad/ raging? I have to take a picture of the switch so I know I did it. A growing number of people are reporting a fear of holes. Is there a phobia name for this not that I am aware of. J Law has tripped up more times than we can remember, there was that time on the red carpet, and that other time she went to collect her Oscar. So I coined the term achillephobia a while ago. Or try to help me. The assailant couldnt steal her good mood. Since people can fear just about anything the mind can conceive, not all specific fears are named and they do not need to be. Coprophobia Fear of feces. Also does anyone have any advice for someone with social anxiety and fear of making mistakes and being wrong? But it sounds as if you may have issues with people getting close to you or creating a meaningful bond. Many people label anything they fear as a phobia and unfortunately this is not always correct, especially with the fear of germs. Homilophobia Fear of sermons. What is the fear of breaking a toe? A phobia is a persistent, excessive, unrealistic fear of an object, person, animal, activity or situation. Lockiophobia Fear of childbirth. Its a huge problem in my life, but I cant go to a therapist for my own reasons. I am going to have to hallucinate that this is another form of fear of the unknown and quite possibly the underlining issue is not being able to trust in your ability to work past this. I hate the feel of it and the only thing i can manage to touch when my hands are like that is a towel and i hav to wait until they arent wrinkly anymore. What phobia is the fear of celebrities? - Answers I have a fear of food germs or just food getting on me and my clothes. Could be. Is there a fear of being without someone you know in a public place? I am now 73. What are the 4 major sources of law in Zimbabwe? Scopophobia, scoptophobia, or ophthalmophobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by a morbid fear of being seen in public or stared at by others. Vestiphobia Fear of clothing. I hope you Scatophobia- Fear of fecal matter. When I told my friends about it and they started to scratch random things to test me, I yelled stop a million times until they actually stopped. The English suffixes -phobia, -phobic, -phobe (from Greek phobos, "fear") occur in technical usage in psychiatry to construct words that describe irrational, abnormal, unwarranted, persistent, or disabling fear as a mental disorder (e.g. Aeroacrophobia Fear of open high places. Was there a fear of spilling tea in those cultures, I doubt it, but that is not how phobias are named. I have constant nightmares/terrors of being hated/outcasted by loved ones is there a name for that kind of fear? It is a type of anxiety disorder. Because there are an infinite variations of fears or phobias, there are plenty of fears that are unique or expressed in unique ways. , Not all irrational fears are phobias and often they are tied into or linked to other challenges. Don't worry Britney, we don't think anyone noticed A fan asked the 'Heart Attack' singer her biggest fear in a live web chat, Demi replied with what we deem to be a totally rational fear. Sometimes Misophobia is referred to as selective sound sensitivity. Spiders, flying, small spaces - it's all common things to have a phobia off and we are not alone. So, I think I have cacophobia. Hamartophobia Fear of sinning. This may be more OCD oriented than just a phobia. Ponophobia Fear of overworking or of pain.. It is a fear, however whether it is solely a fear or contains other components I cannot tell from the info given. Mastigophobia Fear of punishment. Also not all fears are the same. If she doesnt, there is little to say about it. Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia Fear of body smells. Should he want to change himself at some point in the future or if he changes his desire to have a different relationship with you, it will start on his terms and you can be open to that if that time occurs. Low self esteem or self worth may be part of the issue, Okay this is driving me nuts. If you do know one it would be great to finally know, I think the word you are looking for is paranoia, which is a fear that typically is not classified as a phobia. Basically if theres something and it makes noise im scared its going to explode, Can you have the fear, yes. You will definitely want to work with someone who can assist you on this. Musophobia or Muriphobia Fear of mice. Is it true? Two famous personalities who were extremely afraid of being buried alive include fairytale writer Hans Christian Andersen and renowned musician Frederic Chopin. I know you havent been here since last year, but Its nice to know someone feels the same. I get very disturbed when I see people murdered brutally (real pictures or even in movies), Im not scared of blood but its just very disturbing to watch. Does this phobia have a Latin or Greek name did these cultures partake or know of tea drinking? A fear of driving includes a general phobia of driving, as well as specific conditions, like driving at high speeds, changing lanes, merging, driving at night, or . compos mentis means control of the mind. Nosocomephobia Fear of hospitals. Ornithophobia Fear of birds. Famous Eisoptrophobes: Everything that looks like any type of net. Ligyrophobia Fear of loud noises. He gleefully utilizes his background in theater, literature, and communication to dramatically recite his own articles to nearby youth. Exposure-based treatments are the first-line approach in the treatment of phobias. Pteronophobia Fear of being tickled by feathers. The fear of public speaking is so common that some researchers have estimated that as much as 77% of people have some level of this fear. In modern usage, the word has evolved to mean the fear of strangers or foreigners but its original meaning is much broader. Can there be any such fear, absolutely. Ive looked everywhere for an answer and cant find one. Being forced to watch the entirety of Barb Wire in a mirror's reflection. A visit to Disneyland earlier this year was a bit of a struggle for easily scared Jade. Arachibutyrophobia Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. Its like having an eating disorder like anorexia except you dont want to lose weight and you dont want to be malnourished- it literally just feels impossible to swallow (and there is a fear of choking sort of its hard to explain) I had it when I was 11 for about a year and a half and it destroyed my social life, altered me forever. hello! Some factors that increase the risk of developing a phobia include: Some phobias are more common, while others are often quite rare. I suppose this could be related to clausterophobia, but I have a very hard times with rooms. This is a huge problem in my life because it makes me insane. is there a fear of having something inside of you? Parasitophobia Fear of parasites. Just something to keep in mind. Ophidiophobia Fear of snakes. Hyelophobia or Hyalophobia Fear of glass. (Achluophobia) Merinthophobia Fear of being bound or tied up. We did not find the word for your situation, but realize most phobia names are merely Greek or Latin words placed in front of phobia. i know there are names for fears reagrding feelings (cherophobia, etc. Other bigwigs who happen to have this phobia include deceased King of Pop, Michael Jackson, and comedian and talk-show host Whoopi Goldberg. Chirophobia Fear of hands. I wouldnt get too hung up on finding a name for it, but if you want to name the fear of infestation, just look up the words greek or latin derivitive and add phobia behind it. Fear in a dangerous situation is normal. You already know telling people to stop something is not going to change much. ), Add imparnumerophobia: the fera of odd numbers. Is there a fear of having a piano in your home the person likes music and listen all the time also doesnt mind being in a house of someone else who has a piano in their house also doesnt mind going out and listening to one play. Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy Can Help People Overcome Phobias, DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for a Specific Phobia, Fear of Long Words: Hippopotomonstro-sesquipedaliophobia, Daily Tips for a Healthy Mind to Your Inbox, Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), The DSM-5: Classification and criteria changes, A review and meta-analysis of the heritability of specific phobia subtypes and corresponding fears. Ailurophobia Fear of cats. How much guilt or shame do you feel when getting a compliment? The 'Boyfriend' singer has to stick to the shallow end, saying he fears not being able to see the ocean floor below him. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. It interferes with those things I want to do sometimes. I suspect there are some deeper underlining reasons to your fears that are not going to disappear until you find the ability to talk to a counselor. Many phobias are a bit more complex, such as fear of germs, which often is OCD. I really worry about forgetting these things but I do remember everything that I pay attention like my work etc.. Is this some kind oh phobia ? (I need it for a story Im writing, its really important for the story line). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2013. terrfies me. I wondered if any celebs had expressed it and opened this website. If it is just something that occasionally freaks you out, it may not be worth the effort. Not sure you will find a name for this. Yes that is possible. Is there a name for the fear/ dislike of, feeling like you are surrounded by others who are incompetent. The fear of uncertainty or unknown can have numerous reasons for existing. You've stumbled upon the most flamboyant section of the gay pride parade. Sure, they associate with scary carny folk, and yes, they cloak their emotions with makeup that gives them the pallor of the undead. There are many reason for this and the best advice is to work with someone who can help you get to the root structure or issues keeping this problem alive for you. When im normally doing something in my office or in my room, it feels like when ill change my position my head will hit any object (cupboard, any stand, windows door etc) that is near, but actually no object is near, even when im sitting on the chair, before standing up i check if there is any object that can be hit by my head, obviously there should be nothing there (at the top of any chairs location) hope anyone understand, and give any solution. Vaccinophobia Fear of vaccination. If it persists, find a counselor. My mother hate old stuffs of the house and throw them out into the waste even numerous times she discards useful things. Luckily, I also have a sense of humor and enjoyed some of the wackier phobias in the list. Psychophobia Fear of mind. Nyctohylophobia Fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night I need help, I cant seem to find the name of my phobia anywhere but I know it has to be common. I dont know if its a phobia but I just wanted to leave this comment here anyways. You can name it yourself if you want. Wish I could offer something more hopeful, but acceptance of what you can control is sometimes the best answer to situations. Is this a common fear, no. Sitophobia or Sitiophobia Fear of food or eating. F1000Res. Celebrity Phobias and How They Face Their Worst Fears - AARP Scotophobia Fear of darkness. Lilly, you can have a fear about anything, our nervous systems do not discriminate on these types of things. I have a fear for fingers but not that I get scared when seeing them or anything but I freak out when something bad happens to them. I have that too. Since you have never had to deal with this, either go out on a limb and force the issue or work with someone who can help you work through this. Anthropophobia Fear of people or society. Rhabdophobia Fear of being severely punished or criticized. On top of being an admitted chromophobe, he has a recorded history of fearing plastic cutlery, as well as antique furniture. So, youre saying that Agoraphobia is an irrational fear that NO trauma might trigger such fear??? Acousticophobia- Fear of noise. Venustraphobia Fear of beautiful women. Phobias are common and treatable. As is evident, celebrity phobias are far and wide ranging, and one thing is clear: even the rich and the famous are not spared of fears, anxieties and insecurities. Thanks, Sounds likea fear, but it depends on the intensity of the feeling and what happens to these feelings if you were to ignore them. This all happed today with the stain on the wall and a part of the wall breaking.I decided to wash myself but never did because i went to my sister and asked her why this was happening and I explained to her my eyes were bursting with tears and I suddenly couldnt breathe easily because it felt like my throat was clogged and i was struggling to say the words I wanted to to so i told her to come to my room. like life is a simulation? There are many reason this could occur and I recommend you find someone to work with to help you resolve this fear. The awareness levels are much higher than your processing capability, then you can have issues But, not just insects, infestation in general. So it all depends on how you categorize humanity. I have always had some generalized anxiety, but I have noticed that this particular act causes my hear to beat fast and loose my breath. Dystychiphobia: The fear of accidents. The mechanisms for a phobia are basically the same, regardless of subject matter. It may very well be more complicated, but if this is something that impacts your life enough, then see a therapist so the details can be uncovered and it can get resolved. Batrachophobia Fear of amphibians, such as frogs, newts, salamanders, etc. Though the clown thing would really be just one of several thousand better reasons why this paring should never happen. It all began at the NBA Players Association Gala when the rap diva had to take an escalator (*gasp! Because I feared being in open spaces indeed, because of past experiences that have happened causing severe mental distress; trauma. Right now it is isolated to a specific item, which while uncomfortable, is probably manageable. Is there a name for this, not that I am aware of, though that doesnt mean a name for doesnt exist. Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween. It only bothers me when it happens, so it doesnt effect my day to day living. There are many dynamics that could be at play here. Electrophobia Fear of electricity. Agoraphobia Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Decidophobia Fear of making decisions. Polyphobia Fear of many things. Thomas DJ the name of fears, especially ones that are not that common are not important. I didnt saw this in the list, so Im asking you, guys. whenever people try to take care or look after me I get uncomfortable and feel like I should be the one taking care of them. Can you please tell me if there is a phobia name for being sticky? Kakorrhaphiophobia Fear of failure or defeat. Stenophobia Fear of narrow things or places. It is frequently used in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but can also be effective in the treatment of a variety of other mental health conditions including phobias. would your fear be because you are afraid something might sting/pinch/stab/etc. Photoaugliaphobia Fear of glaring lights. Alektorophobia Fear of chickens. Lyssophobia Fear of rabies or of becoming mad. infestatiophobia is the name of this fear. Do people have it? Ages Of Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Liam, Billie Eilishs Dating History: The Singer's Ex-Boyfriends From Brandon Q Adams To, Download 'B.O.T.A. Is there a fear of oneself hurting someone else? Fishing nets. I dont know what it is but it just scares me and shuts me down, While this may be a phobia, it sounds like it might also be something deeper, or not, depending on how it impacts your life and how often. I cant believe I didnt get arrested. If it does pose some danger, the person's response is usually out of proportion to the. Is this a separate phobia or just an extension of the predetermined? Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia Fear of smells or odors. Basically anything that has anything to do w touching me. Ephebiphobia Fear of teenagers. I do not have enough info to give you any pertinent advice, I often feel nauseous when I travel in a car and feel scared and panicky. I believe what youre thinking about is misophonia not misophobia because misophobia is the fear of being contaminated by dirt or germs. Optophobia Fear of opening ones eyes. Im sure there must be a phobia that somewhere, somehow, our parents are watchingand dont approve. Have you worked with a therapist or counselor of some sort to work through this fear or are you going to continue to be bothered by it? Ranidaphobia Fear of frogs. During this nightmare there was a light tapping sound (much like the sound from a newtons cradle if you ever so slightly lift one ball to start it). I am always scared or worried that a child gets hurt.