(This revelation causes Lola to cry even harder). Clyde: So are you really not going to talk to your sisters ever again? Luan: Shes right. Bobby: Why?! Chandler: Hey Larry, did you hear the news lately? *, (Its almost bedtime for the Louds. Most of the students were scared to pet the scaly creature, but found it unique to touch it. Lola begins to sniffle). (As Lola continues to cry her eyes out in sadness, the girls look at each other, and eventually begin to cry alongside with Lola, since they werent aware of how heartbroken Lincoln was when Ronnie Anne broke up with him. Who would take a story seriously?! It has a note attached to it. As much as it hurt, I deserved it, because I just hurt my brothers feelings. I worked on that thing for three months! Unbeknownst to the two couples, the others were watching them), LOLA: They do look really cute. - Leni said, worried, LORI: We all do, he's having fun with Ronnie Anne. (As Lola looks around, she notices Lincolns journal, and opens it, revealing some private stuff. LINCOLN: She's fine. (Lola walks over to her kiddie table and starts to have a tea party with her stuffed animals), (Ronnie Anne leaves the Loud House as Lincoln waves her off. Lincoln stands there, breathing heavily. We may have different views on things, but we all love each other. He says that it has to be dazzling. Lincoln began walking away. #truthordare. Lola managed to regain my trust. S.S.S. The joke of Lincoln's swear being blocked off by crows and everyone reacting appalled to what they just heard is derived from. Lowie: Shoot, I'm gonna be late for school. The girls realize something), (The sisters all slide down the slide and run over to Clydes house. - Lola replied. Come to think of it, my sisters all looked scared. Lincoln: Yes. My bratty six-year-old sister, Lola has just revealed a very embarrassing secret to everyone around the school. LINCOLN: At my house. Lincoln's painful punishment - orphan_account - The Loud House (Cartoon Lincoln: (adding the finishing touches) There. Oh wait, Im always knew I was this good! (Lori shoves the bar of soap into Lincolns mouth again, and the sisters all give Lincoln a beating before heading off, leaving Lincoln lying on the floor. Lori: A warning! Lola: Today, I dont have a pageant award like I usually do, because I have something different. Winter, my favorite season of the year. (Lincoln wakes up with a sour mood on his face. Luna: Listen, little dudette. - Lincoln said, annoyed. - Lincoln said. LINCOLN: (to the viewers) Ah. But one sleepover in an empty house when Ronnie moves back, and suddenly they have more to worry about than a relationship. (Lola nabs the comic and walks over to the couch to read it. Lincoln helped his friend up. - Ronnie Anne said - Come on, let's get rid of your sorrow and let's grab some cocoa. Lola: Because I humiliated my brother, he was so furious at me, that he punched me in the face, which gave me a black eye, and caused some of my teeth to fall out. Spectre Hunter: Stay tuned to see me battle this spirit that just hid itself in the basement! While she can't tolerate foods as spicy as CJ and Carlitos can. Back with Lincoln. I looked around the party at the others and looked around for familiar faces. Lola enters his room). "Why'd she have to pack me this?!" Ronnie Anne: Thats good. - Ronnie Anne says, happy, BOBBY: Ronnie Anne! A crash! (to Clyde) Dont worry, buddy! His body turns red with fury and shoves Luan and Lynn off of him). He could not believe what he was about to do. Clyde said to his best friend. - Lori ask, worried, LINCOLN: Yeah, we're fine, Lori. Bobby rolls down the window). Hope you enjoy it. "Ronnie, hi!" Lincoln nodded. - Lori ask, eager, (The others surround him with smiles, he glances at Ronnie Anne, who whispers in his ear). LORI: No worries, he's at Ronnie Anne's place. Seven other figures walk up to Lincoln and turn on the light, revealing to be his sisters. Another reason why I chose "Whitewashed" over these two titles is because it just rolls off thetongue so well, even though whitewash is a term for white paint. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Upon arriving at Great Lake City, Lincoln learned that Girl Jordan had a problem with mistletoes during the Christmas season. - Lori said happy, LINCOLN: It's good to see you again, Lori! Because I like these types of books, I thought to myself, Why not make your own? Well, thats exactly what I did. The girls stop running. Shes deeply sorry for humiliating you at school. He glanced at them and noticed they've a worried expression on their faces and stares to their only brother. Theres something on the back. Lincoln and Lowie proceed to sit down. Lori: Leni, come on! - Ronnie Anne greeted. LINCOLN: Let's get to Lori! The moment Lincoln and Lowie sees Lola, they briefly scowl, but then, Lola presses the play button on the boombox, and These Dreams by Heart begins playing. Lincoln Loud, two weeks after being diagnosed with Autism, protecting his sister and mom from their drunk, combative father, The Loud siblings and a single mom, Rita, must now adapt to life without a father. "Where could he be?" And its all thanks a comic they made. After an unexpected Night Lincoln ends up with one Helluva new Pet which sets off a chain reaction of insanity, fun and all sorts of weirdness. Ronnie Anne is Lincoln's best female friend, and former classmate, who moved to Great Lakes City to live with her extended family, the Casagrandes. They get home in about 10 minutes), (Lincoln walks out of his room and looks downstairs to see Lola waving at him. (It's a winter day in Royal Woods, it shows Lincoln's school, he's at his locker and grabs his backpack, he went in the bathroom and comes out in his winter clothes). Lincoln and Clyde enter Lincolns room, and Lincoln angrily slams the door. Luan: It looked like he didnt want to see us. - Ronnie Anne comforted - (kiss Lincoln's cheek) At least you have me. I love and forgive you, Lola. I grabbed a fishing rod, and managed to grab hold of the diaper, but when I flung the fishing rod back, I accidentally flung the diaper right into the ceiling fan, covering me, Clyde, and the entire bedroom in smelly fecal matter. Lola: After what Ive been through, I think it would be best if you and Lincoln made up. Ronnie Anne: Ooh, thats harsh. I never knew I had one of these in my room for a while. This is, if not, one of the very few fanfictions on this site to depict bloodshed. "So, who wants to start~" Snickered the familiar voice of Ronnie Anne as she fixed her hair. LORI: Bobby is already asleep, he look's cute. Lincoln makes his way back to his room but suddenly he got stopped by Luna and Lucy. You have to get rid of at least one dress. ), (Lola is now in the hospital, sitting on a bed with bandages covering her damaged eye. You like to watch The Dream Boat with your sisters. It was tonight?! In the city, Ronnie Anne has made another best friend in Sid Chang, and she doesn't want to disappoint her two best friends,[6] wanting the best for them. She apparently finds pigs boring, and she has enjoyed Ferris wheels from a very young age. Dear Lincoln, Last summer, Lucy was nearly killed trying to help Lincoln save the city. - Lincoln laments - I know it's fun hanging out with you, but I miss the ten sisters I know and love. It perfectly describes life in the Loud House, but with my own original characters. Several students approach Lincoln and Clyde). So from this day on, Im refusing to say another word to them for as long as I can. No vulgar language. Were sorry for way we acted a few days ago. Then after a moment Luna starts to talk to him. - Luna said, (Everyone facepalms for Leni's stupidity; At the park, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne are ice skating with Lori and Bobby, while the others are in a field, having a snowball fight), LINCOLN: Man, this is so much fun! (At the Loud House, Bobby, wearing a backpack, is outside on the doorway, he knocks on the door and Lori, in her winter clothes, excitedly run downstairs to the door, she opens it and she hugs Bobby) LORI: Bobby Boo-Boo Bear! WARNING: The story you're about to read has a darker tone than my previous fanfictions, but it does have a touching ending. LORI: Yep, Bobby and I been hanging out all day. - Lincoln answered - You? Its all in the past, and Ive forgiven you all. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale. (Fanfic) The Sister Role Reversal - The Loud House Encyclopedia LINCOLN: Ronnie Anne, I forgive you. I said that because it was the only way you can prove to me that you have changed. The sisters, who were watching Lincoln read their comic on the staircase, quietly follow him into the dining room, where they see Lincoln place the comic in the trophy case, right next to his Most Improved Brother trophy), (Lincoln turns around and sees all his sisters standing behind him). Lana: Come on! We got to stay on schedule today. I needed something for show and tell! - Lincoln laments - They always have more fun, when I'm not around. Lana: This is my pet snake, El Diablo. (Lola shows Lincoln the copy of The Home Dome. This is a fictitious phone number used by many TV shows and movies. First time posting here. (Lola opens the journal) Theres this one show on TV right now, its called The Dream Boat. Bobby: Babe, you should give the comic book back to-, (As Luan and Lynn hold Lincoln back by holding onto his arms, Lola approaches the fireplace). As the sisters look on with pride at the comic burning away and Lincoln reacting to this. LINCOLN: Hey, Ronnie Anne. - Lori said - If the snow clears tomorrow, come on home, Lincoln, and bring Ronnie Anne too. LORI: Thank goodness. "We should do Truth or Dare!" She is Lincoln's other best friend and former classmate. He puts a lot of trust in you guys! "Ronnie Anne, I need to change." Lori: Oh man! - Lincoln complimented, RONNIE ANNE: Thanks, I like yours too. + Ronnie Anne's POV + LORI: It is, we'll talk later little bro. In Lincoln's room, Lincoln is writing in his journal), Lincoln: (voice-over) "Lola did it. Both Santiago siblings have first names that start with an R, as well as second names starting with an A. (as Lola is about to head into her room, Lincolns journal suddenly falls out of her backpack. Lori notices this). You got severe injuries because Lincoln punched you in the face after spilling an embarrassing secret. After years of abuse from his family Lincoln finally snapped and goes on a crime spree. Bobby drops the sisters off at their house. And as for Lincoln, he has since become the town superhero. Lola, knowing that she did a good deed by reuniting Lincoln and Ronnie Anne, leaves to give the two some privacy. The Loud House's Sonic the Hedgehog: The Fastest Thing Alive. Ronnie Anne: Lincoln, Lola wants to tell you something. Lucy arrives). Why did you make us look stupid in this? - Bobby said, joy - So, you're ready for our date? Luan and Lynn are holding Lincoln). After brushing their teeth, the siblings all rush to their bedrooms and crash out due to their hard work. Lola: Admit it. Lana: Yeah! (Leni continues to choose indecisively as Lori groans in exasperation and Lowie is annoyed, knowing Leni hasnt got this. The sisters proceed to escort Lola home. Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride. They put their respective younger siblings down), LORI: It's cute to see you two with together. Lincoln: (reading the note) Important! BOBBY: We're fine, little sis. After Lola read these two scenarios, the students would begin to bad mouth the sisters, accusing them for being horrible siblings. She has to do something that would lift my spirits from her. Lori: Lola, we have to tell you something, and it's not happy. The sisters watch Lola perform from Lana and Lolas bedroom window. She is skilled at pottery, but bad at engineering, knitting, and preparing calamari. Word Count: 635Status: UneditedAn: Hope y'all enjoyed and sorry it took so long to get out. But first, Lana, build a stage. If she succeeds, Ill forgive her. Thankfully, we decided to skip out on our interests to focus on whats more important. Ronnie Anne: If itll make me happy, then Ill do it! He responded with a horrible punch. Lincoln is able to hear their snickering). (Leni grabs a couple canisters of insect repellent and sprays it all over the house, causing the siblings to cough and gag. All of us really sorry you for destroying your comic, shoving a bar of soap in your mouth, and assaulting you so you couldn't move. Neo Storm Part 2 taking place following the events of the Pre-Season 2 Arc as a new villain faction reveal themselves. The next chapter will be rather interesting though I still have to edit my others eventually so look out for that, The Loud House (Lincoln Loud x Ronnie Anne Santiago). (Bobby drives off. Lincoln: Why do you have my homemade comic?! Clyde: I see. Mayor Davis, who looked like Lillie Brinket (Effie Trinket), with her black hair with white streaks. You girls were insulted just because I implemented you in a story that I made! Just tell Lola that if she wants me to love her again, she has to dazzle me. Lincoln: Because even if it is not a trophy, a ribbon, or a certificate, it does give something rewarding: my respect. My ninth-and-a-half fanfiction. (to Lincoln and Clyde) Come on, Ill drop you guys off at your house. - Ronnie Anne replied, LINCOLN: Wanna watch a movie? "You've been spending too much time with Doctor Lopez." stated Lincoln. Unaware at what happened, Lana and Ms. Taber head back to their respective desks so they can get back on schedule), (Its recess time. Chandler: Theres also something else about you that we all know about. The Loud family used the boatload of money they had to fix up their house and buy a new van after Vanzilla was destroyed. The experience scared the boy so much, he decided to never speak to his sisters again., The next day, the boy did something that made one of his sisters mad. The last two to walk out of the building are Lincoln and Clyde, whose backs are slumped and their faces are pasted with rather unhappy expressions). LUNA: I don't want to disturb them. LORI: We miss you, too, Linky. Leni: (hearing Luan say spider) SPIDER!!! Bobby sees his little sister slumping over on the couch, and approaches her. So, do you feel like getting back together, for our sake? Lincoln: (to himself) Thank you, sisters. Were so emotionally attached to each other, that were nothing without each other. Lana: Yeah! - Lori said - Bye, Linky. Wholesome shenanigans occur. the reporter said - So, stay in your houses, cause it's a blizzard coming. (Lincoln and Clyde jump into the truck, and drives off to the Loud House. Accidentally Lola crashed into tree. (Lola looks at her with confusion) Dont worry, hes properly trained. BOBBY: Actually, I do miss Lincoln, as well. ARGGH! - Lincoln accepted, (Ronnie Anne then pulls out two more mugs of cocoa and she put marshmallows in each of them, they clink their mugs and drink their cocoa), (Lori and Bobby, in their PJs, are in Lori's room, watching a movie on Lori's laptop), LORI: This is literally the way to spend a winter. Lincoln looks at them with a deep cold stare, causing the sisters to look away while cowering in fear. Her goal implies she enjoys cooking too. As the two head upstairs, the sisters follow them to continue to laugh at them). ~Back to 3rd person POV~. (As Luna said that, the sisters then have a snowball fight, while Lori, Bobby, Lincoln, and Ronnie Anne are ice skating, having fun in their winter wonderland). #ships Lincoln Loud/Ronnie Anne Santiago - Works | Archive of Our Own Ronnie Anne: I want to tell Lincoln something. Lincoln: Yeah. Ronnie Anne returned the glance silently and the two walked in without saying a word to each other. When Lisa's experiment in atomic manipulation goes wrong, each of the Loud Siblings are transformed into beings with bodies and powers made up from each of the natural elements. Im the victim, Lincoln is the criminal here! Lucy: Two things: The way you said that is really creepy, and considering how much you like sports, it makes sense why you have that many. Lincoln's secret passion is singing along to modern radio songs. By the way, hows that comic book youre making going? Completed uchihaclan The four quickly run in the building to their respective classes. I was just upset. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lincoln, however, lowers his eyebrows to form a furious expression, showing that he hasnt forgiven Lola for her heartless action, and storms back into his room. Who wants to go next? He then began looking for his own best friend Clyde, who still, was nowhere to be seen. LUNA: What are we waiting for? Lincoln sure is some kind of sissy. LINCOLN: Aw man, and we were on the final level too!