Lincoln stirs awake from his bout of unconsciousness to the full realization that he was back at the hospital. [Outside, Lincoln and Clyde are walking home from school] LINCOLN: I can't wait for St. Patrick's Day! It was caused by a transparent plastic rope sticked to door frame. Lincoln: Thanks for the advice Stella, I can't wait. View source. Liam: I don't know about you Lincoln, but how long is that project due? (The class was confused as they couldn't figure out the answer). - said Lincoln with sad tone - Please don't hate me for my reckless revange. I remembered hearing about the show when Ember Reviews talked about it a few years ago on his YouTube channel. You shouldn't have done that ever. - Luna observed -You're lucky to have less bruises than Lynn. Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler< Young Bloke, this is the second and third time I've warned you, first you think that one of your classmate's idea is lame, then you got a ticket for throwing a hotdog, and now you tripped him? (Lincoln was confused as he doesn't even know what she was talking about, back at The Loud House, the entire family was waiting to hear the results about Lincoln's game), (The family cheered as they gave Lincoln a hug, they then release him). Chandler Ghidorah:> to Godzilla Lori, middle head< Hey, that's not fair, >to Mothra Leni, right head< You will pay for this! Lincoln: Wellthere's a game that I want to make, and it was supposed to have my idea of an Ace Savvy or A.R.G.G.H. He set it quickly when she didn't see anything because of the smokescreen. Ms. Merdich: Alright class, now it's time we talk about your homework assignment, for your homework assignment, I would like for you to animate your character, animations are not easy, it can be stressing but you'll get the hang of it, you just need to draw parts of the body of your character, paste them together on a character you designed while you can move your character in any action, whether it's walking, running, blocking, ducking, punching, kicking, swimming and other actions, you can animate as many characters as you want, but remember, the animations are worth fifty percent of your grade, you have at least seven days to make them, oh, and don't forget to color your character, that's worth twenty five percent of your grade, that will give you seven days to animate your character, and then we can move on to backgrounds, now remember, draw some parts of the body, paste them all together and then animate the action of your character, I'm counting on you. Fanfiction Warning: This story contains content not suitable for children. That sounds like fun. (The Bell rang, and school was over again, Lincoln got back home and continued doing animations for Rodan, Mothra and King Ghidorah, he was exhausted and finished up King Ghidorah's animations, it took him at least one hour and seventeen minutes to get him tested and done, next he wanted to work on Mothra's animations, he did exactly what Mothra did in those movies, he snipped some animations, tested her and was done with Mothra, it took him about six fifty five in the evening, until). Mr. Bolhofner: >to Lincoln< Well Loud, I'm impressed, you've got guts kid, maybe you do have what it takes to be a future game programmer or desginer one day. Loud House Fanfiction - Lincoln's Birth Add to Favourites By FirstDrellSpectre Published: Feb 3, 2018 88 Favourites 27 Comments 31.9K Views ---Prologue--- Year 2005. Today's show was requested by NineLivesCaveCat, someone whom I've known for quite a while on this site. Lynn figured out the foot prints were a decoy to lead her right into his trap. Luan: I hope everyone's ready for good show, 'cause I can guarantee this will be a real "blast". - Lincoln, Lynn, Lana and Lola said in unison. : >offscreen, to Riley, annoyed< I don't think you have what it takes to be a programmer, because you would never pull it off on my watch. Leni: I'm totes adored about my day when I got an A+ on my math test, I didn't know how I did it, but I think I did real hard on it. - Lana yelled - You tricked me and humiliated me at school! Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Lincoln: Just think you guys, I bet I could make the best game ever. Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler< Bonzer! (Lynn was heartbroken on the inside that without her aggressiveness, she no longer had the instinct to step in and abuse Lincoln for what he said about her because she kept her promise, she sat down by the dining room table in depression, her father just stepped in noticing that something was wrong with Lynn, he sat next to her) Rob Paulsen: >squawk< Deserve credit, deserve credit! - Luna answered happily - I am proud of you all. Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, will you present us your character sprites and their animation? (Lincoln and the three other dream monsters were amazed that it was a robotic version of Mr. Bolhofner as MechaGodzilla). (She then writes her name on the marker board, her name was "Ms. Merdich"). Principal Ramirez: Not quite, >to Mr. Bolhofner< Mr. Bolhofner, you are hearby suspended for the remainder of the semester until you get your act together and your problems solved. Lincoln: Yes, I just had to replace one of the heads. - Flashback: Lincoln is on Luan's business phone while she lies on her bed. Ms. Merdich: Well done Riley, you get nintey points for animation! Ms. Merdich: Now, I see that you have found your assigned seats, that's good on ye, now do you have any questions? Lincoln: Laides and gentlemen, I give you: >shows flash drive of his fan-made game for a school project< "Godzilla: King of the monsters" the fan-made videogame made by yours truley. Lynn Sr.: Wow son, I can't believe it, I think you should take up a career in making videogames. Ms. Merdich: Now for the next assignment, I need you to add your characters for the game, you can make as many as you want, it doesn't matter how much you have in your character roster, what matters is your own imagination. Ms. Merdich: Look mate, no offesne but you are compltley intimidating to your students, it's no wonder everyone hates you. After it was time to go, Lincoln then took off his costume and went upstairs. In October 2020, I reviewed "Monster Buster Club" for Episode 28, and in January 2021, I reviewed "The League of Super Evil" for Episode 30. - Lana asked and looked at Lynn - I see you do, now it's my turn. Mr. Grouse: Hello class, I'm your new substitute teacher Mr. Grouse >to Lincoln< Oh hey Loud! Lynn's comes home from school angry that she lost in her baseball game which she takes here anger out on Lincoln however after here argument with Lincoln. - If you knew, you wouldn't get used to surprise attacks. Lincoln: Not really, he's suspended from the remainder of the semester, so we might get a new substitute by Monday! Lincoln: Undies? Lynn: It turns out making a videogame wasn't my strength. The other characters in this fanfic will not be introduced until next chapter. Mr. Bolhofner: Late again Loud? Lincoln: >gets an idea< I think I know who can help us with programming Clyde! Each episode features a different tale based on myths and urban, Hey everyone! Lincoln: Oh, I see, so are you going to help me? Lincoln: Sweet, I knew I had the right idea to add these characters in. Leni: >wakes up< Oh, Morning Linky, I wanted to sleep with you because I heard you screaming last night, so I thought I could cuddle you, because I understand Lori sometimes do it, and the same goes with Luna. LENI: Good luck, Luna. Ms. Merdich: Alright then, is everybody still working on their animations? (Lincoln goes on his phone for a good picture of Godzilla, he selects the one he likes and shows Lori a Godzilla picture he liked). - That's a scent of fear. At afternoon Lincoln returned home from his school, complaining about how bad day he had there. He seemed to faintly remember feeling lightheaded and passing out, but everything else was a blur. Lincoln removed a white glove from his right hand and puffed, scattering a white powder. (Ms. Merdich typed in the website were it will take them to a programming site, she has shown them the basic codes for making a game). Lynn: Just take your time, I did a sports theme videogame, but I got an F on that. Lincoln's Farewell. Oh Boy, my favorite. - Lana answered - We fabricated a Rx, we're more skilled than we look. And it's not very stressful, aside from when I have to call to cancel for her. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. It made Lynn caugh and cry. Lincoln: Thank you Ms. Merdich oh thank you, you simply are the best substitue teacher ever. Lynn's competition Chapter 3, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Clyde: Relax Lincoln, maybe you can tell Ms. Merdich that you haven't figured out how to program the game yet, she'll understand! Lincoln: Because we thought you didn't know much about Godzilla! Mr. Bolhofner: Guess I'll be not teaching for the rest of the semester until I get my act together, whopp de doo! how much donated blood is wasted; managing diversity in the workplace ppt; metaphors in five feet apart; bethel high school graduation; morrisons salad bar bacon bits vegan - You speak wisely. Bolhofner MechaGodzilla: Prepare to be terminated! Today, I'm looking at a show requested by MBCMechachu. Mr. Bolhofner: >annoyed< Alright, which one of you twerps is responsible for breaking the wind during class time? CLYDE: Well, I know what I'm doing. (Lincoln then grabs his Ace Savvy comics and reads a few of them before going to bed, three days later, at his new classroom, Lincoln and the other class mates were waiting for thier new substitute). (It cuts to the hallway where he eventually meets up with Lynn who notices that he is in a sad mood). (His friends started gulping as they are intimidated by her, Lincoln had seen the incident and turned to the audience). Chandler: >in Australian accent< Too late mate! Despite my good intentionsI became what I tried to protect you from, a bully. Zach: I guarantee that you'll be the best videogame maker. After he passed front door of his house Lynn jumped towards him to kick him in torso, screaming "Banzai!". Lori: So it'll be just the two of us, I'll be in charge of you until Sunday night when I go back to Fairway. (Charles whimpered, as he went to get some food for his dog bowl, Lincoln was about to dig in until Lori swiped it from him). Riley: I'm going to make a game aboutsurvival! I added Lana because I didn't want Lincoln to be alone with his problem. (Lincoln hugged Lola back and they both went to sleep, the next day, the class were waiting patiently for Ms. Merdich to arrive, but she came in about five minutes later). Not yet. Lincoln: That's too bad Clyde, I hope you have a great time. Lana didn't compare herself to any character of the anime but she felt pity for Zuko. Ms. Merdich: Well class, I'm impressed with most of your games, but I want to cut to the chase here, the only game I was disappointed with the most isChandler's Ace Savvy fan-made game, >to Chandler< I'm sorry mate, but that's a "D-" for you. Luan: Oh cool, a Kaiju fight, >impersonating Michael Buffer< LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Zach: Are you starting to miss Mrs. Johnson? (Lori then left the house and got in the car, she revved up the engine and waved goodbye to her family, the family went back in as they started doing their usual activities at home, Lincoln was still working on his project, he started doing the animations for Anguirus, he was a bit challenged at doing Anguirus, as he wanted to do Anguirus standing on his two legs and switching them back to all fours, but eventually, he them fixed a few errors and was proud to do it, he started to work on Hedorah, it was a little too difficult, but he then got the hang of it, he did remember to add the flying animation for Hedorah as he did that design while working on breath effects for some of the Kaiju, in his room, Lincoln was doing animations for King Ghidorah, Mothra and Rodan, someone knocks on his door), (Lincoln opens the door for Luna, she wanted to check on his progress, she was impressed and checked out the animations for the characters he's done). Mr. Grouse: So let me get this straight, you want me to help you boys with programming a game for a school project? Clyde: Are we going to have another boring typical day? Mr. Bolhofner: >gasps< Principal Ramirez, I can explain on why is that Aussie is making my students create their game and waste their time. She kept punching and kicking him like a trainingmannequin. It was a homemade smokescreen bomb. "Kind of, why did he retired Lori," Lincoln asked. At afternoon Lincoln returned home from his school, complaining about how bad day he had there. As he walked home by himself, since Clyde was working on his science project, Lincoln looked up and saw how clear the sky was, with not a single cloud. - Luna commented annoyed, - Thank you, Luna! Lana took a rubber ball from her bag and throwed it on floor. Lincoln: Yes, I can almost smell that A+ already, only one I'm working on will be Rodan, and it's going to be hard. Ronnie Anne close her eyes and went to sleep. Soon you go to middle school like me and there are a lot of bullies. I gotta say, I never thought I'd be reviewing a show made by Klasky-friggin'-Csupo as a FORGOTTEN cartoon. Luan: I had a fantastic day, Benny asked me why he didn't like Pizza jokes, because they always end up too cheesy >hahahahahahaha< get it? Afterward, she was sent to live with family members in Retro City, during her five years in the city, she learned how to control her. The Loud House Fanfic #6-Report Lincoln - DeviantArt You just went too far in self-defense. - Lana said - Lola is very similar to Zuko's sister. (Lincoln's classmates are happy to hear the news). Before he could process his surroundings, a familiar voice caught him off guard. (The class started to multiply by nine until they get to an answer). Please! I was just expressing my opinion, I mean, Stinkoln should have done a sports game, not any of that lame guy in rubber-suit stuff. Employee: >on speaker phone< Welcome to Burpin' Burger, How may I take your order? - We were disguised as an adult and bought it in a pharmacy. (Cuts to a flashback with Mr. Bolhofner scolding Lincoln for being late). Guest 2 - Old anger coming back after being lied to. Ms. Merdich: >to Mr. Bolhofner< G'day mate, what a nice surprise, I didn't think you would show up in time for the big event. Robotic Voice: Actually, it's three against two! That's it Loud, I'm writing you up for cutting the cheese, because I won't tolerate this kind of behavior in my trailer during class-time. She even kicked him between legs but only she suffered pain and expressed it in scream. "Cute hearts by the way.". Ghosted was a good episode, but it involved all 3 of them. A series of flashbacks show Lori and Bobby making out, not noticing anything like Lincoln sitting right next to them on the couch excitedly playing his video games, the twins fighting, Lun, Plot: Luan's passion is shattered when she thinks it's hurting her family, but someone has it in for her. Ms. Merdich: Well, I thought maybe I could give them a jumpstart on their future career one day as a future game programmer and designer. Principal Ramirez: >to Ms. Merdich< Ma'am, what's this about having the students making a videogame as a school project? Lincoln took the bunny and started to calm down. (The sisters and Lincoln cheered as Leni got an A+ on her math test). - Lynn stopped crying - Maybe I don't deserve your kindness. - Lincoln protested. Rita: >to Lynn< You know better than to tease him and his interests. I also wanted to use Lana somehow. Luan: >to Lucy< Sorry about that, I'm starting to lose my idea of new jokes recently. (And that is exactly what they did, the Godzilla model was finally put together, next they then worked on Anguirus, and then Rodan, Mothra and King Ghidorah, it was then time to visit the Library as they got the laptop with them, it later cuts to the library where they asked the librarian). - And you did nothing? (As the finger missiles were locked and loaded on Lincoln, a shot of Godzilla Lori's breath hit the robotic head, she brabbed the head and tore it off, the robot was no longer fnctional, then Chandler Ghidorah was about to strike Godzilla Lori, but she grabs all three of the head, and tied them up into a pretzel, then she lifts him and tosses it to Mothra Leni, who also tosses it to Rodan Luna, then she tosses to Godzilla Lori, with a swing of her tail, Chandler Ghidorah was thrown back in space not soon after blasting her atomic breath at him, Luan and Lincoln cheered them on after a victory, in the real world, Lincoln was cheering in his sleep, Lori then wakes him up, she succeeds).