The Battalion C.P. You are a great artist. September 18, 1944: The Battalion moved to a new bivouac at ROTGEN, GERMANY. Must have brought back some intriguing memories going back to the Isles. April 6, 1945: Co "B" constructed Steel Treadway Bridge at DREISEL, GERMANY across the SIEG RIVER. He served hard duty in an anti-aircraft battery with the 6th Army in New Guinea and other parts of the 2023 Deep River Historical Society. - Co. "C" was relieved on road blocks by a Company from 294th Engr. 9th Infantry Division made an attack to restore Post #4; the surrounded platoon was found still in position and in good shape. Through the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the 249th soldiers provide contracting officer technical representation on projects throughout the world.[9][10]. in the crossing of the SIEG RIVER and the reduction of the RHUR POCKET. (C) Bn. While stationed in Eupen, the Battle of the Bulge began, on December 17th. in honor of LtGen Lawrence Snowden & LtGen George Christmas.). went in direct support of the 5th Armd. December 26 - 27, 1944: A large amount of artillery and mortar fire constituted the enemys [sic] activity during this period. 4th Engineer Battalion 4th Medical Battalion 4th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment 4th Military Police Platoon 4th Infantry Division Band Headquarters, Special Troops, 4th Infantry. 7. They left Berlin in the fall for Le Harve, France to come home. 294th Engineer Combat Battalion - 1944. 106. 299th Combat Engineer Battalion - 299th History Post WWII Bn. 76. C.P. 40. As a professional researcher and World War II historian, Bill Beigel provides research services to genealogists, historians, authors, and civilians who are looking for information found in WW2 military unit records. B-24 flight engineer Bill Toombs was over Germany when bad went to worse. This includes when and where the WWII veteran was promoted in rank. An Engineer Combat Battalion (ECB) was a designation for a battalion -strength combat engineer unit in the U.S. Army, most prevalent during World War II. I get so tired of hearing some complain day in and day out about how it's too hot or too cold, or how they had to drive 15 miles to pick up a wife's prescription, or You get the drift. 65. Duties in France included repairing roads, removing mines, disposing of a bomb, and removing, repairing, and constructing bridges. When he heard the sound of Canadian tanks, he knew that liberation was finally at hand. DERSCHLAG, GERMANY.10 1965-1971 Synopsis of the 299th in Vietnam. December 3, 1944: Co "A" completed the Timber Trestle Bridge in VICHT, GERMANY. 1. Keywords : About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material City|Area. From Taunton, I was transferred to the Topographic Engineers in Leicester in the Midlands. June 23, 1944: Battalion given the Infantry mission of clearing the North East corner of the Cotentin penisula [sic] of scattered enemy troops - liberated the French towns of QUETTEHOU and St VAAST LA HOUGE. About a week after the explosion on March 20th, I was taken to a General Hospital in Taunton, Somerset for further treatment. He was also there to substitute for any crew member who was not able to fly. 36. When the pumps began operation, a 40-foot-wide opening was made in the sheet piling to allow water to flow out of the canal. 133. December 24, 1944: Given the mission of providing direct support to the 75th Infantry Division Co "B" prepared several bridges across the L'OURTHE RIVER for demolition. relieved Company "A" as of 1800 hours. moved at 1630 hours and reached the destination at 2030 hours. Additionally, the commander serves as the Commandant of the U.S. Army Prime Power School, the institution responsible for the development of Army and Navy power generation specialists. Then an 88 round went right through the number four wing tank. Their mission was accomplished. September 9, 1944: Bn. From 1955 until 1960, the 249th Engineer Battalion (Construction) was stationed at Kleber Kaserne, ((Kaiserslautern, Germany)). 124. The Official (DECLASSIFIED) Files of the 298th Engineer Combat Battalion during World War II Activation of the 298th Engineer Combat Battalion March 18, 1943 and Reorganization November 3, 1944 Journal for August 1943 Journal for September 1943 Journal for October 1943 Journal for November 1943 Diary 1943 The Battalion C.P. Thats where Stan picked up a large German Flag. 137. KaRonda Fleming, Public Affairs Office, TF SAFE improves electrical safety in Iraq by Joan Kibler, Training prepares 249th for six-month Iraq duty by Julie LeDoux, Fort Belvoir Eagle, Soldiers Power Up Peace in Iraq, Afghanistan by SSG Michael Carden. was attached to 9th Infantry Division as of 1200 hours. November 28, 1944: Co "A" started construction of a Timber Trestle bridge under the Bailey Bridge in VICHT. was given the mission of straightening up the line. Henk Duinhoven was in church with his family when the sounds of bombing started. March 24, 1945: The Battalion was relieved of the ferrying operations on the RHINE RIVER and moved to KONIGSWINTER, GERMANY. 119. June 10, 1944: The Battalion Executive Officer and U.P. August 26, 1944: Co "A" constructed reinforced Infantry Support Bridge 504 ft. in length across the SEINE RIVER at MELUN in 5 hours. 75. Our military records specialists are on site at archival research facilities nationwide and can access a wide variety of WWII military service records of your veteran. Get up!" We are always glad to assist! as of 1300 hours. November 10, 1944: The Battalion was relieved of attachment to the 3rd Armored Division and attached to the 4th Infantry Division. They lost all of their equipment. 102. July 21, 1944: Bn. November 15, 1944: Co "C" relieved Co "B" of Post #1, 2, & 3 as of 1200 hours. 324th Combat Engineers WWII- Family & Friends - Facebook moved from ANDENNE, BELGIUM to RAEREN, GERMANY. July 17, 1944: Battalion moved to new bivouac at TRIBEHOU. 31. Gp. 79. Then, began the grim task of collecting the personal belongings of the dead and preparing them for burial at sea. He was in the hospital right at the time of the explosion . November 8 is Election Day and the Trustees of the Deep River Historical Society hope you all go out and VOTE. We slowly made out way West with the two Cutters alongside and landed in Argentia in Newfoundland. On this day, two German E-boats came out of the fog and fired their torpedoes and escaped back to France. This bridge remained in use until 1955. April 9, 1945: Co "C" converted the railroad bridge in WISSEN to take vehicular traffic. 146th engineer combat battalion 185th Combat Engineer Battalion 238th Engineer (Combat) Battalion 250th Engineers Combat Battalion Roster 263rd ENGINEER COMBAT BATTALION 299th Engineer Combat Battalion 309th Engineer (Combat) Battalion 320th Engineer Battalion 331st Engineer 335th Engineer Regiment 340th Engineer Regiment 389th Engineers . 43. April 11, 1945: The Battalion moved from WISSEN to MORSBACH, GERMANY. 120. 294th Engineer Company | Units US Army 294th Engr Co 294th Engineer Company U.S. Army Subordinate units 294th Engineer Company ( MO ARNG) Carthage Armory | Carthage, Missouri, United States Detachment 1 Anderson Armory | Anderson Locations . October 5, 1944: At 0400 hours an enemy patrol of about 5 men approached Post #2 carrying teller mines; men from Co "C", who were occupying the position, opened fire at close range, exploding the mines and obliterating the enemy patrol. June 12, 1944: Our first mission on the continent - Lt Lawson with a D7 bulldozer assisted the 1110th Engr. THE HISTORY OF THE 298TH ENGINEER COMBAT BATTALION IN EUROPE JUNE 9, 1944 - MAY 8, 1945 C O N T I N U E D THE BATTALION SUPPORTED THE FOLLOWING DIVISIONS AT VARIOUS TIMES: 4TH INFANTRY DIVISION 9TH INFANTRY DIVISION 75TH INFANTRY DIVISION 3RD ARMORED DIVISION 5TH ARMORED DIVISION THE BATTALION WAS ATTACHED TO THE FOLLOWING UNITS AT VARIOUS TIMES: April 3, 1945: Liaison was established with the XVIII Airborne Corps and the 78th Infantry Division. A wartime journey to Berlin : the 296th Engineer Combat Battalion (1943 (This interview made possible with the support of COL ROBERT W. RUST, USMCR (ret.) 5. Growing up in Baltimore, Harry Kone used to hang around the docks watching the cargo ships unload. His crew shot down a ME 109 just before we got there. I will be able to say, I know the man behind the book! On the grounds of the Digby estate was the 228th Station Hospital, which consisted of a bunch of Quonset huts. One platoon of Co "C" was sent to clear the situation at Post #4; they killed one German. Are you stuffed from all that turkey and fixings? It was the highest bridge constructed by the first army Engineer Combat Battalion in the E.T.O. (C) Bn. Part 2 of 2. Francis R. Fulton, Capt. December 28, 1944: At 0200 hours an enemy Infantry Battalion made an attack in the vicinity of the motor vehicle park and the Battalion FWD. 67. September 26, 1944: Co "A" completed the Timber Trestle Bridge in VICHT. They were sent to Fort Devens, then assigned to the 296th Combat Engineer Battalion, and shipped to Camp Shelby, Mississippi for basic training over a period of seven months. The new mission of the Battalion was general engineer work in the VII Corps sector in the KONIGSWINTER - HONNEF - ITTENBACH area. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. understand the battlefield experiences and sacrifices of your WWII veteran and their military unit. He came in as a replacement to a tank destroyer battalion. One engine was shot out. Bill Elias' WWII Story: 258th Engineer Combat Battalion. Status coordinate No status yet. Somehow I found this site and yes my Dad who was in the 294th had told me that story many times. 234th Engineer Combat Battalion liberated Holtum. Thank you. 139. Advertisement. I am attaching a painting I did of Sherborne Abbey and the Cross Keys pub next door where I learned to play darts while serving with the 294th. 24. 77. 13. 109. 111. New bivouac was established in the vicinity of CERISY-LA-SALLE - Co. "B" bivouac area received several bomb hits at approximately 2330 hours. Rommel's big push had begun. However, when we sailed out of Antwerp,Belgium in January, 1946, our troubles were far from over. He thought they were ours until the bombs started falling. Forward Observer Rufus Dalton went into the demolished city looking for a rifle company he was instructed to find. One of the first waves at Omaha Beach. Bn. Over several days from June to early July 1944, the unit went by parts from England to Vierville, France. The main thrust of the effort was to use assault boats to get troops from 5th Infantry Division across and later to construct a more stable pontoon bridge. I can tell you a lot about the 294th Combat Engineers and the incident which took place on March 20, 1944. 126. June 24, 1944: Co "C" constructed a Class 40 timber trestle bridge at St MARTIN-DE-AUDOVILLE. Bob Darino Germany weather house cherry farm pie Berlin Telefunken Eisenhower concentration camp Governor's Island souvenir P-38 Zeiss Ikon subway. At the new bivouac area orders were waiting for the Bn. Hannah Deutch was a teenager when the Kindertransport rescue effort became her means of escape from Germany. The mission of both companies was to occupy pillboxes in the Siegfried line to prevent the Germans from entering them. Was searching the internet for my father-in-law who was a member of 294th Engineer Combat Battalion during WWII and found your web site. How very nice to hear from you. Division at approximately 1100 hours. was set up in the village of ANTHEE. The Captain said that in 25 years at sea he had never seen such a storm. moved to a new bivouac in the woods North of ANTHEE. The first operation for the 4th Division was the landing on Roi-Namur. 97. On 24 December 1944, Brigadier General Harlan Harkness, the assistant division commander, ordered the battalion to advance and secure the towns of Arsdorf and Bigonville to the north of the 26th Infantry Division, near the area of operations of the 4th Armored Division, in order to relieve the occupied towns so the division could advance and attack the enemy line. [8] By 5 September 2005, the 17th Street Canal breach was closed. BELLEAU, WOODS, FRANCE.10 Robert James was propped up against a bulkhead, going in and out of consciousness. John Canepa and the 297th Engineer Battalion 29. Two engines were out, a third smoking, and they were were losing airspeed and altitude, but they were flying level and pointed home. Research A World War II Veteran (WWII WW2) - Golden Arrow Research Exactly where the veteran was stationed and locations he visited during WWII. The force withdrew under heavy mortar fire. Division. 125. THE BATTALION WAS ATTACHED TO THE FOLLOWING UNITS AT VARIOUS TIMES: At 1130 hours the Commanding officer of Co "B" with two Platoons of Co "A" and one Platoon of light tanks made an attack to contact the surrounded platoon. His father worked as a chef in America and as soon as he became a citizen in 1939, he sent for the rest of the family.